KYNE – Chapter 18
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The Eighteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translating web novels
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The Eighteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The seventeenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The fifteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The fifteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The fourteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor The Thirteenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》 is out!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the Twelfth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the eleventh chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the tenth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the ninth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the eight chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the seventh chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator: Antheor Editor: Antheor Here is the sixth chapter of Heroic tale of the Emperor God Hero’s《Ryokou Tan》!
Translator : Antheor Editor : Antheor Alright, so tonight, late in the night (It happened at 2 AM actually, even though it is 4 AM now…), my website reached 100 000 views !!!!. The meaning behind this is really big Continue reading KYNE Chapters to celebrate the reach of a new milestone!
Translator : Antheor Editor : Antheor Here is the third chapter of KYNE ! I have nothing much to say, but ou may expect a few more chapters in the next few hours.